Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Note to self
"can't you see that we have come so far already?
light shines through the cracks and deepest, darkest, clouds
can't you hear that sound you're making?
oh darling Rosa
amputees they all agree that they would like their arms and legs back
oh Rosa
can't you feel your heart beating?"
The Devastations
Monday, October 29, 2012
Mature mild-mannered catastrophes
"But they don't use the word
once dropped it might break
They do not say that they have loved
for who can say
We were killed yesterday"
Blixa Bargeld
Saturday, October 27, 2012
"I remember a faraway laugh, a sweet caress"
"I remember not knowing what to say
And how calm you had remained
Please don't let what was get in the way
Don't forget
That what's to come hasn't come yet"
Devendra Banhart
Friday, October 26, 2012
"Hiding under the covers
With no one else to blame
You couldn't help out your own neighbour
You couldn't tell it to his face
You were fucked up by the blame
You cower in the corner
Confide in your father
Let it out and say
Let it pass away
Let it break your day
Let it out and say
Wait there
Pull yourself out of this state dear
Acknowledge you were a fake here
From there on you might just grow"
Matt Corby
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Ship of woes
![]() |
S.&Y. |
It takes awhile
To settle down
My ship of hopes
Wait 'til the past leaks out
It takes an ocean not to break
It takes an ocean not to break
It takes an ocean not to break
Matt Berninger
Monday, October 22, 2012
Saturday, October 20, 2012
It really proves nothing

"Just listen to me breathe
but that proves nothing
In the middle of my circles
but their centre I am not
Blixa Bargeld
Friday, October 19, 2012
ich hab’ dich unglücklich erwischt
B. |
es fehlen stäbe, stäbe fehlen
die zwischenräume sind gross genug
dein schnelles herz wenn ich dich halte
ich hab’ dich unglücklich erwischt
ich kann dich nicht
am fliegen hindern
aber selbst zwei kontinente weiter
noch singen hören
Blixa Bargeld
bars are missing, missing bars
the gaps between are big enough
your rapid heart when I hold you
I caught you in a bad way
I cannot
stop you flying
but even two continents away
can still hear you singing
"para adultos de pé e olhos abertos"
"Se há pessoas que olham para o que construí como difícil de entender é porque não compreendem a complexidade da vida, e isso não é culpa minha, é defeito delas. (...) O medo de saber apavora-nos. A ideia de tomar consciência arrepia-nos. Recusamos a possibilidade de viver no interior de nós mesmos. O facto de um livro contar uma história apazigua o nosso lado infantil. Não serve de nada salvo para nos tranquilizar. E continuamos por fora do que nos inquieta, nos assusta, nos alerta (...) Fiz livros para adultos de pé e olhos abertos. (...) Não é possível falar racionalmente do que não é racional, explicar o que se passa antes das palavras, desarticular o que é feito de uma peça apenas e a vida do autor só para ele mesmo e, na melhor das hipóteses, para mais meia dúzia de criaturas, poderá ter interesse. A arte, mistério impenetrável, não cabe na razão lógica e qualquer tentativa de a desmontar será sempre inútil. (...) Permanecerá para sempre secreta e insolúvel. Pode bordar-se em torno mas fora da muralha, nada tem que ver com a inteligência, a razão, o raciocínio dedutivo: existe em si mesma, por si mesma e para si mesma, apenas permeável ao inconsciente e, no entanto, ao tocar-nos no inconsciente muda a nossa percepção do mundo e de nós mesmos em consequência de um mecanismo que nos escapa. (...)
Pelo teu amor dói-me o ar
o coração e o chapéu.
Isto, aparentemente, não significa nada e, no entanto, faz-nos vibrar como cordas."
António Lobo Antunes, Adeus, Visão nº 1024, 18/10/2012
Heart undone
"Slowly unravels
In a ball of yarn
The devil collects it
He'll never return it"
Thursday, October 18, 2012
"He offers
A handshake
Five fingers
They form a pattern
Yet to be matched
This time
I'm gonna keep me all to myself
A tempestade aparece mesmo num dia azul
Pensava que já não doía mais, que não era possível que pudesse doer mais. Infelizmente, esqueci-me do bocadinho de vidro que continua enterrado junto às terminações nervosas ainda activas.
Parece que já não há mais nada para chorar - porque chorar - e isso não impede as lágrimas de cair. As putas insistem em não secar, ao contrário do resto de mim.
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
"What is normally called religion what I would tend to call music (...) I think records and music are more appropriate and more respectful of the human soul than the churches are. And more respectful of the needs of humans to communicate with the aspects of themselves that are neglected by language. I don't think people think about God so much as they think about themselves and how they're going to get through life."
Will Oldham
Will Oldham
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Não é coragem
... é apenas inevitabilidade.
Transportar um cadáver junto ao coração faz-nos morrer um pouco também. Se já perdemos quase tudo... então não é coragem... é um não poder deixar de ser.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Surprised by what I found
"you've been on my mind
'cause it's about time to see things just as they are
I was surprised by what I found"
There's only so much damage a heart can take. And so much pain one can endure.
(I can assure it only fuckin' stops when there's nothing left of you.)
(I can assure it only fuckin' stops when there's nothing left of you.)
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Thursday, October 11, 2012
A labyrinth without walls
There is a labyrinth
but it has no walls
there are no exit signs
no arrows, no red lines
and there is you and me
goes without saying
Where would you go without me?
We have to make decisions
before it gets too dark
the sunset is behind us
we're facing terra incognita
it's still hard to make decisions
in a labyrinth without walls
But where would you go without me?
Make up your mind
by chance or intuition
you can't just turn around
stand motionless and wait
I could follow you
or you could follow me
In this labyrinth
without it's walls
where no ways are clearly marked
we find untrodden paths
we as you and me
goes without saying
And where would you go without me?
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
Homage to L. (who got caught in a storm)
It's been 5 years now. The memory of that night, of that moment, remains brutal. It still...
Miss you.
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Maybe not
"Listen to me, don’t walk that street
There’s always an end to it
We all do what we can
So we can do just one more thing
We won’t have a thing
So we’ve got nothing to lose
We can all be free
Maybe not with words
Maybe not with a look
But with your mind
But with your mind"
Chan Marshall
Monday, October 08, 2012
I'm off
I'm off to save the world
At least I can hope
Josh T. Pearson
Friday, October 05, 2012
Things must be different from now on
I knew every face in the cast
Now who the hell let you in?
I thought I buried you way back, back in my past
I have waited so long
That whoever loved you is gone
So things will be different
From now on
Things will be different
From now on
Things will be different
From now on
The Devastations
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
Monday, October 01, 2012
Nota para S.
É tempo de parar quando: já não te preservas; ignoras o instinto natural de sobrevivência e te transformas numa suicida em potência; não evitas as lâminas que te rasgam a pele e as entranhas; és inconsequente no acto de acreditar; te permites uma existência enquanto desperdício vagamente humano.
Ultrapassaste os limites do razoável. Lembra-te disso sob pena de não conseguires regressar.
Ultrapassaste os limites do razoável. Lembra-te disso sob pena de não conseguires regressar.
Enough is enough...
Resignar-me-ei. Aceitarei, por fim, a tua condição. Serei mais um ficheiro no teu arquivo morto. Partilharei a mesma sala escura com tudo o que atormenta a tua existência de estufa.
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