Friday, June 29, 2012

Poetry is no place for a heart that's a whore

"Poetry is no place for a heart that's a whore
And I'm young and I'm strong
But I feel old and tired

And I've been poked and stoked
It's all smoke, there's no more fire
Only desire
For you, whoever you are
For you, whoever you are

You say my time here has been some sort of joke
That I've been messing around
Some sort of incubating period
For when I really come around
I'm cracking up
And you have no idea

No idea how it feels to be on your own
In your own home
with the fucking phone
And the mother of gloom
In your bedroom
Standing over your head
With her hand in your head
With her hand in your head

I will not pretend
I will not put on a smile
I will not say I'm all right for you
When all I wanted was to be good
To do everything in truth
To do everything in truth

Oh I wish I wish I wish I was born a man
So I could learn how to stand up for myself
Like those guys with guitars
I've been watching in bars
Who've been stamping their feet to a different beat
To a different beat
To a different beat

I will not pretend
I will not put on a smile
I will not say I'm all right for you
When all I wanted was to be good
To do everything in truth
To do everything in truth

You bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody mother fucking asshole
Oh you bloody...

I will not pretend
I will not put on a smile
I will not say I'm all right for you
For you, whoever you are
For you, whoever you are
For you, whoever you are"

Martha Wainwright

Thursday, June 28, 2012


You justify yourself for telling me nothing but the truth. You chose to have a cold and distant approach, dare I say, aseptic! As you would in some lab experience… not in a human interaction. Well, after that, there was not much left anyway.
So... you could have spared the words that wounded me as sharp razor blades…  I was already bleeding.

[ over and over again]

fragile red

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Never more than a dream

So sad our
Our memory

Now he talks in his sleep
Says I've never known peace
And I don't know him now
He's a stranger to me

How can this be?
There's nothing left here
How can this be?
There's nothing left here

We were
Never more than a dream
Brief as
Summer or spring
Sweeter than anything"

Polly Jean Harvey

[PJ Harvey:;
Bonnie Billy:]

"You're a folk tale, the unexplainable"*

“no meu susto de estar vivo, uma agulha costura os órgãos uns aos outros para que a dor não se espalhe pelo corpo. a dor, esse feixe de nomes vibrando junto ao coração. um dia estarei longe, muito longe de mim e de ti. terei perdido o corpo que te sente, irremediavelmente.”

Al Berto

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Is anything wrong? Oh love, is anything right?

"(...) People outside
They know just what to do
They look at me
And they think that I know too

Is anything wrong
Oh love is anything right
And how will we know
Will time make us wise

I've found a home
Now will life begin
I can wait another year or two
But not one moment more (...)"

Lhasa de Sela

Private little trip to hell

In the middle of the crowd, I cried my eyes and my soul out to the sound of Mark's voice - from the moment he started until the end. 

There's only so much damage a heart can take. And so much pain one can endure.


"Hey, baby there's a vampire moon
No one will know
We'll disappear
I'll hold your hand
We'll never tell
Our private little trip to hell
Can i walk you home tonight?"


Ninguém se perdoa no tempo

Porque o amor das coisas no seu tempo futuro
é terrivelmente profundo, é suave,

Havia a magnólia quente de um gato.
Gato que entrava pelas mãos, ou magnólia
que saía da mão para o rosto
da mãe sombriamente pura.
Ah, mãe louca à volta, sentadamente

As mãos tocavam por cima do ardor a carne
como um pedaço extasiado.

Porque eu sou uma vida com furibunda melancolia,
com furibunda concepção.
Com alguma ironia furibunda.
Sou uma devastação inteligente.
Com malmequeres fabulosos.
Ouro por cima.
A madrugada ou a noite triste tocadas em trompete.
Sou alguma coisa audível, sensível.
Um movimento.
Cadeira congeminando-se na bacia,
feita o sentar-se.
Ou flores bebendo a jarra.
O silêncio estrutural das flores.
E a mesa por baixo.
A sonhar.

Herberto Helder, Poemacto II

Sunday, June 24, 2012

It takes an ocean not to break


"It's a terrible love and I'm walking with spiders
It's a terrible love that I'm walking in
It's a terrible love and I'm walking with spiders
It's a terrible love that I'm walking in
It's quiet company, it's quiet company
It's quiet company

And I can't fall asleep
Without a little help
It takes awhile to settle down
My ship of hopes
Wait til the past?

It takes an ocean not to break
It takes an ocean not to break
It takes an ocean not to break
It takes an ocean not to break"

Matt Berninger

"got too much time on my hands, for these nightmare day dreams"

"My whole life’s been one cliched country unfinished line after line after line after line
And what little I am able to know of love I know that it hurts, it’s sick, it’s sick, it’s sick
It’s a sickness unto death and it’s a hell and at it’s best well hell there just ain’t nothin’ worse"

Josh T. Pearson

Saturday, June 23, 2012

"You've heard the songs, you've read the books, you've seen the films... you know how it is going to end!"
(or something like that...)

Josh T. Pearson

Friday, June 22, 2012

I don't have any more fight left in me


"I don't have any more fight left in me
Been punched to the left and hooked on what's free
And when I see that look of battle on tonight
I know that I don't have time to fight

Let the air be like rain and the moon go away
God delivers just paint and just pain has had its day
I will put my hands where all eyes can see
I've no threat to deliver so leave old Bonny be

When deception returns and anger holds its way
Oh, push me aside and say you will not play
I will go where you go and listen again
Oh darling, I'll heal and sing softly
You win"

Thursday, June 21, 2012

From her to eternity

"Everyone carries his own state with him, and demands a toll when another wants to enter."

Memories won't behave...

"I'm waiting on the empty docks
Watching the ships come in
I'm waiting for the agony to stop
Oh, let the happiness in

I'm watching as the gulls all settle down
Upon the empty vessels
The faded whites of their wedding gowns
The songs of hopeless selflessness

The cold December Sun
A cold that blisters
The hands of a working man

I'm waiting on the empty docks
Watching the ships roll in
I'm waiting for the agony to stop
Oh, let the happiness in

Oh, let the happiness in

Oh, let the happiness in

Listen to the waves against the rocks
I don't know where they've been
I'm waiting for the sky to open up
And let the happiness in

Oh, let the happiness in

Oh, let the happiness in
'Cause it's coming
Coming home

Let the happiness in

Oh, let the happiness in
'Cause it's coming
Coming on, calling home

Oh, let the happiness in

'Cause it's coming, coming home

Oh, let the happiness in"

David Sylvian

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

And just who are you this time?

"They're lining up
To mad dog your tilta whirl
3 shots for a dollar
Win a real live doll
All the lies that you tell
I believed them so well, Take them back,

Take them back to your red house
For that fearful leap into the dark
I did my time
In the jail of your arms
Now Ophelia wants to know
Where she should turn
Tell me...
What did you do,
What did you do the last time?
Why don't you do that
Go on ahead and take this the wrong way
Time's not your friend
Do you cry, do you pray
Do you wish them away
Do you still leave nothing
But bones in the way?

Did you bury the carnival
Lions and all
Excuse me while I sharpen my nails
And just who are you this time?
You look rather tired
(Who drinks from your shoe)
Are you pretending to love
Well, I hear that it pays well
How do your pistol and your Bible and
Your sleeping pills go.
Are you still jumping out of windows in expensive clothes?
Well I fell in love
With your sailor's mouth and your wounded eyes.

You better get down on the floor
Don't you know this is war
Tell me who are you this time?
Tell me who are you this time?"

Tom Waits

If you don’t want these arms to hold you

"If you don’t want these arms to hold you
If you don’t want these lips to kiss you
If you’ve found somebody new
Put me back in the crowd
Put the sun behind the clouds
Put me back in the crowd

There’s a battle going on
Between the blue and the grey
And if you don’t want my love

Don’t make me stay

Take back your name
Take back these wings
Take my picture from the frame
And put me back in the crowd
Put the sun behind the cloud
Put me back in the crowd

Put me back in the crowd
Put the sun behind the cloud
Put me back in the crowd"

Tom Waits

"Começo finalmente a ausentar-me. Hoje, por exemplo, olhei-me ao espelho e vi que muito pouco resta de mim, daquela que conheci e tinha um nome. Onde terei começado a esquecer-me?
Falámos dos fantasmas com que nos atordoamos.
Cansámo-nos na revisitação de lugares-comuns e de procurar um sentido para tudo isto. Foi inútil, a vida já não é uma coisa desejável.
Sentimo-nos cansados, um cansaço semelhante à flor que murcha por excesso de luz, ou por falta de água. Não sei...
Conheço cada vez melhor aquilo que de mim se despede e não regressa, e aquilo que nasce algures onde já não estou.
Dentro de pouco tempo não sentirei mais o meu corpo, e tudo me será permitido, mesmo a morte, ou a simulação da vida.
As mãos, aqui estão as minhas mãos, secas e despojadas como um deserto. Para que terão servido as minhas mãos?
E os meus olhos? Em que extremidade do tempo por percorrer se situará o meu olhar?
E os meus lábios, os meus lábios? Alaíno... beija-os depressa.
Quem será esta gente cor de fumo que se evade dos meus sonhos?"

Al Berto

"God visits all lost souls
To survey the damage
And holding his bleeding heart
A tear comes to his eye"

Antony Hegarty

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Melancholia, mon cher

"Alles nur künftige Ruinen
Material für die nächste Schicht

Mela, Mela, Mela, Mela, Melancholia
Melancholia, mon cher
Mela, Mela, Mela, Mela, Melancholia
schwebt über der neuen Stadt
und über dem Land"

Blixa Bargeld 

Pessoal e transmissível

"Os meus sentimentos deviam guardá-los, ainda lhe podiam fazer falta, e a mim não me serviam de nada, devia tê-lo aconselhado a guardar os sentimentos, nunca sabemos quando precisamos dos sentimentos, da latinha de fermento que está há anos na despensa, da camisola de lã que não é vestida há mais de cinco Invernos, nunca se sabe quando precisamos de coisas mesmo se nunca as utilizamos, não fosse essa incerteza e punha um anúncio no jornal,vendem-se sentimentos, estado impecável, como novos, oportunidade única, motivo mudança de vida, bom preço.

Dulce Maria Cardoso 


In my heart it was so real

"I know it's over and it never really began,
But in my heart it was so real,
It's so easy to laugh it's so easy to hate,
it takes strength to be gentle and kind,
over and over and over.

It's so easy to laugh it's so easy to hate,
It takes guts to be gentle and kind,
Over, over.
Love is natural and real,
But not for you my love,
Not tonight my love."


[The Smiths:;
Jeff Buckley:]

Monday, June 18, 2012

Há muita brutalidade num momento de silêncio - raiva é aquilo que aparece na humidade dos olhos, indignação.

Ondjaki, Quantas Madrugadas Tem a Noite

Let's say it went kinda like this...

Sissy: I'm trying, I'm trying to help you.

Brandon: How are you helping me, huh? How are you helping me? How are you helping me? Huh? Look at me. You come in here and you're a weight on me. Do you understand me? You're a burden. You're just dragging me down. How are you helping me? You can't even clean up after yourself. Stop playing the victim.

Sissy: I'm not playing the victim. If I left, I would never hear from you again. Don't you think that's sad? Don't you think that's sad? You're my brother.

Sissy: We're not bad people. We just come from a bad place.


"such a wonderful life
when it's weighing you down
are you in control?
the suburban reign always stays the same
like the hollow smile cracking up your face

take your battered soul, wear it as a crown
all that numbs you

run a thousand miles, 'till you hit the ground
all that numbs you now
and days roll into one and the same on you
the world revolving around your spinning head

make the fences high
make the blinds go down on the world outside
maybe the day will come when you wake up not feeling anything
no more tears and no more pain

take your bleedding heart, wear it on your sleeve
all that numbs you
stare into the sun, the blind relief
all the numbs you
as the years roll into one, only numbers change
the world revolving around your spinning head

take your battered soul, wear it as a crown
all that numbs you
stare into the sun, the blind relief
all the numbs you
as the years roll into one, only numbers change
the world revolving around your spinning head"

Thomas Feiner & Anywhen

Sunday, June 17, 2012


where the fuck is it?


"So I'm left to pick up 

The hints, the little symbols of your devotion 
So I'm left to pick up 
The hints, the little symbols of your devotion
And I feel your fists 

And I know it's out of love 
And I feel the whip 
And I know it's out of love 
And I feel your burning eyes burning holes 
Straight through my heart 
It's out of love, ooh hoo
It's out of love

Give me a little bit serious love"

Antony Hegarty

Somos feitos assim de espaçadas costelas, entremeados de vãos e entrâncias para que o coração seja exposto e ferível.

Mia Couto, Os olhos dos mortos

“tinha sido mais um ocaso que um caso. Não me recosturara daquela ferida. Sabem aquela misteriosa luz que parece arredondar o escuro quando apagamos todas as luzes? (…) Quando fecho os olhos para me passear no passado, ela é a primeira a visitar-me.”

Mia Couto, O caçador de ausências, O Fio das Missangas 

Saturday, June 16, 2012

It could've killed me... if it were not for the rain

"Let the rain exalt us
As the night draws in
Winds howl around us
As we begin
What a way to start a fire
Broken with the break of day

A kiss could have killed me
If it were not for rain

And I have a feeling it's coming on
And I felt it coming on
for so long

And oh it could've
It could've killed me
It could've killed me
If it were not for the rain"

Scout Niblett

Pinned down


"Who'll set my heart free 
Nice to hold when I'm tired

There's a ghost on the horizon 
When I go to bed 
How can I fall asleep at night 
How will I rest my head

Oh I'm scared of the middle place 
Between light and nowhere 
I don't want to be the one 
Left in there, left in there"

Antony Hegarty

The Cat Piano

Friday, June 15, 2012

Waiting for the party...

Estas duas meninas estão hoje de parabéns!!!


"When you ask me to sing it feels my heart would burst with pride
And I look at your face and tears come to my eyes
All that's harsh and wrong in my life melts into one sweet song
And my love spreads wings like a glad bird flying over the road"

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Death to everyone is gonna come, and it makes hosing much more fun, la la la...

"I am here, right here
Where god puts none asunder
And you, in black dress and black shoe
You do invite me under
Go on, go there
You can see me aging
Stars turn, balls burn
Coming kids are raging

Death to everyone is gonna come
And it makes hosing much more fun
Death to everyone is gonna come
And it makes hosing much more fun
La la la...

Every terrible thing is a relief
Even months on end buried in grief
Are easy light times which have to end

With the coming of your death friend

Death to everyone is gonna come
And it makes hosing much more fun
Death to everyone is gonna come
And it makes hosing much more fun
La la la...

So strap me on and raise me high
Cause buddy I'm not afraid to die
But life is long and it's tremendous

And we're glad that you're here with us
And since we know an end will come
It makes our living fun

Death to everyone is gonna come
And it makes hosing much more fun
Death to everyone is gonna come
And it makes hosing much more fun

Death to me and death to you
Tell me what else can we do die do
Death to all and death to each

Our own god-bottle's within reach
Death to everyone is gonna come
And it makes hosing much more fun"

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy

Coração imprestável

continua dilacerado e vazio de amanhã...

"There is absence, there is lack
There are wolves here abound
You will miss me
When I turn around

When you have no one
No one can hurt you
When you have no one
No one can hurt you"

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy

[Do próprio:;]

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Sabes o que é não sentir o coração e sentir o coração, tud’uma batida só, sangue leve no peito e lágrimas limpas a escorrer? (…) Vou-te confessar: espanto é só aquilo que ainda nunca tínhamos vivido com a nossa pele!

Ondjaki, Quantas Madrugadas Tem a Noite

All these vicious dogs

"Once again in the world
Of twelve hundred feelings
All in electric lights
We see what we can

And I have been yours
In fall and in praying
And I love to look at you
From the side at night
With music playing

And love will protect you
To the edge of the wood
And a monster will get you
And love does no good"

Will Oldham

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Bonnie 'Prince' Billy - Beezle

"Now I will say
What I needed to say
Destruction of hate
Begins today

I won't box
Nor stand and get slugged
Nor have shallow breath
Nor lay and be dropped

I stand up to evil
Body and soul
Not die at thirty-two
But live to be old

I love your voice
Also, your eyes
Finally, finally
Hopefully wise

Bring me a daisy
Show me the Mississippi
Disappear with me
I live because you love me"

Teus dedos de noite açucarada

“é tarde? que importância terá ser tarde se o cansaço do mundo não abandona a roupa. ouço o corpo inquieto, imobilizado à porta de sua própria destruição.
vou coser as pálpebras de amianto com uma finíssima agulha de fogo, flexível, para não deixar cicatriz na bainha azul das palavras, vou dormir abandonadamente sem tirar os óculos escuros que me defendem contra o mundo, e no abismo das insónias reinventar-te-ei.”

Al Berto

Monday, June 11, 2012

começo por cerrar os olhos com vida dentro
e sentir vontade de enlouquecer muito

valter hugo mãe, estou escondido na cor amarga do fim da tarde
"Ich bin das letzte Biest am Himmel
Ich bin das letzte Biest am Himmel
Halt mich fest, ich trockne aus
Es zerfällt mein Licht
Halt mich fest im Zenit"

Blixa Bargeld